Adam Geller: Evidence of Practice - 279

Adam Geller is the founder and CEO of Edthena and the author of Evidence of Practice: Playbook for Video-Powered Professional Learning. Evidence of Learning explains how using video observation and video coaching can have high impact on teacher growth....
Adam Geller is the founder and CEO of Edthena and the author of Evidence of Practice: Playbook for Video-Powered Professional Learning. Evidence of Learning explains how using video observation and video coaching can have high impact on teacher growth. This is episode 279 of Teaching Learning Leading K12, an audio podcast.
He started his career in education as a science teacher in St. Louis, Missouri. Since 2011, Adam has overseen the evolution of Edthena from a paper-based prototype into a research-informed and patented platform used by schools, districts, teacher training programs, and professional development providers.
Adam has written on education technology topics for various publications including Education Week, Forbes, and edSurge, and he has been an invited speaker about education technology and teacher training for conferences at home and abroad.
Today, we are going to focus on Adam’s book written with Annie Lewis O’Donnell - Evidence of Practice: Playbook for Video-Powered Professional Learning.
Great topic! Lots to learn
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Length - 46:33