Sept. 9, 2023

Ed Hess - Own Your Work Journey: The Path to Meaningful Work and Happiness in the Age of Smart Technology and Radical Change - 594

Ed Hess - Own Your Work Journey: The Path to Meaningful Work and Happiness in the Age of Smart Technology and Radical Change - 594
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Ed Hess - Own Your Work Journey: The Path to Meaningful Work and Happiness in the Age of Smart Technology and Radical Change - 594

Ed Hess - Own Your Work Journey: The Path to Meaningful Work and Happiness in the Age of Smart Technology and Radical Change. This is episode 594 of Teaching Learning Leading K12, an audio podcast.
Edward D. Hess is a Professor Emeritus of Business...

Ed Hess - Own Your Work Journey: The Path to Meaningful Work and Happiness in the Age of Smart Technology and Radical Change. This is episode 594 of Teaching Learning Leading K12, an audio podcast.

Edward D. Hess is a Professor Emeritus of Business Administration; Batten Faculty Fellow & Batten Executive-in-Residence Emeritus at the Darden School of Business, University of Virginia. He received his B.S. from the University of Florida; his J.D. from the University of Virginia and his L.L.M. from New York University.

Professor Hess spent more than 20 years in the business world as a senior executive at Warburg Paribas Becker, Boettcher & Company, the Robert M. Bass Group and Arthur Andersen. 

He joined academia in 2002 as an Adjunct Professor of Organization and Management at the Goizueta School of Business at Emory University where he taught in the Business Undergraduate and MBA Programs and was the Founder and Executive Director of both “The Center for Entrepreneurship and Corporate Growth” and “The Values-Based Leadership Institute.” 

In 2007, he joined the faculty of the Darden Graduate School of Business as Professor of Business Administration and the first Batten Executive-in- Residence. He has taught in the MBA & EMBA Programs; in over 21 Executive Education programs at Darden, IESE (Barcelona), the Indian School of Business, Georgia Tech; and AVT Denmark. He is the author of 14 other books and well over 160 practitioner articles and over 60 Darden cases, etc. dealing with innovation and learning cultures, systems, and processes. 

The common theme of his work is high individual and organizational performance. 

He is a Certified “Marshall Goldsmith Stakeholder Centered Coaching Coach.” 

Our focus today is his book Own Your Work Journey! The Path to Meaningful Work and Happiness in the Age of Smart Technology and Radical Change!

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Connect & Learn More:

Own Your Work Journey

ed Hess - Hyper Learning: How to Adapt to the Speed of Change

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Length - 01:11:31