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Frank Lad

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Frank Lad is a mathematician, author, and an educator. Perhaps he was destined to have a full career in mathematics and science. His parents met as postdocs at the University of Chicago while working on The Manhattan Project, his mother collaborating with James Franck there. His specialty in mathematical probability took him to France and Italy, where he has worked with followers of Bruno de Finetti’s ideas. Personal travels in India, Africa, Europe, Brazil, and some far East, have allowed him to deeply explore culture, history, and philosophy.

For the past 26 years and currently, Lad has served as a research associate in mathematics and statistics at University of Canterbury in New Zealand, having lectured there previously for ten years. He had started his career teaching economics at the University of Utah, and spent a year in the Special Studies section of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors, Washington, D.C. He has been a visiting scholar at the State University of New York (Albany) in Mathematics and Economics, and at the Institute for Advanced Study at the University of Bologna in Statistics. He had been a research assistant at the Center for Studies in Population Planning, University of Michigan School of Public Health during graduate studies.

He is the author of two published books, JUST PLAIN WRONG: The dalliance of quantum theory with the defiance of Bell’s inequality (Austin Macauley, 2024) and Operational Subjective Statistical Methods: a mathematical, philosophical, and historical introduction (John Wiley, 1996).

Lad speaks four languages: English, French, Italian, and Hindustani. Born and raised in Cleveland, Ohio into a large family of nine children, he is a dual citizen of the United States and New Zealand. He currently resides in NZ, tending his garden and tutoring neighborhood children in arithmetic.