Jenice Pizzuto is a systems, change, and implementation expert. She is the founder and lead specialist of IMPACT Lead & Succeed. Jenice is a passionate advocate and ally for educators focused on bringing human and learning-centered design elements to the forefront of all change efforts. Her vast experiences nationally and internationally as a consultant, administrator, Learning Forward Learning School Alliance Facilitator, Oregon Response to Instruction and Intervention Implementation Facilitator, Literacy Coach, Mentor, District-level Support Specialist, and Teacher have contributed to her commitment to a learning and improvement mindset. Jenice uses her experience and expertise as she consults with and serves school districts, superintendents, administrators, and teacher leaders as a facilitator, trainer, coach, and collaborator, implementing evidence-based practices to improve student and organizational performance.
Ms. Pizzuto currently serves on the Board of Directors of the Global Implementation Society (GIS). She was a founding member of GIS and served as the Professional Learning and Resources Committee Chair. Jenice spent many years serving Learning Forward. She helped form the Learning Forward Oregon Affiliate and served as president and vice president of the Oregon affiliate. Jenice received an award of Lead Mentor while serving as a mentor teacher and has been recognized as Women of Week by the Woman Supporting Women, Kastl Law P.C.
Jenice's recent speaking and presenting engagements include the Show Me the Science of Reading Conference in Missouri, USA. Learning Forward Texas, Learning Educators, Texas USA, Building Implementation Teams, Oregon, USA, Human and Learning Centered Design, Global Implementation Society, International, MTSS and Implementation, Angel's Camp California and she has upcoming engagements in Nigeria and Australia.
Ms. Pizzuto received her Master of Education Administration, MA ED, from Lewis and Clark Graduate School of Education in Portland, Oregon. She received her Teacher Licensure from Portland State University in Portland, Oregon.