Pelicans wanting to be fed
How could you use this video to help you introduce a subject or help explain something that you need to talk about in class?
How could you use this video to help you introduce a subject or help explain something that you need to talk about in class?
This is an introduction to my channel that has video clips for you to use with your kids. The clips are meant to interesting events and things that might help you start a new conversation and introduce a topic.
February 25th, 2019 9:00 am to 3:30 pm Brian Buffington will be assisting teachers in learning how to create and use video in the classroom. He also will share the many uses of QR codes. Hope that you can join us. Go to for more information
Teacher Job Fair - February 23, 2019 at the Heart of Georgia RESA 717 Smith Street Dublin, GA 31021 9:30-11:30am 10 School Systems are ready to meet you. Dress for success. Bring your resume. See you there!
The Heart of Georgia RESA has a Teacher Job Fair. 9:30-11:30am at HGRESA 717 Smith Street Dublin, GA 31021 10 School Systems will be present. Dress for Success Bring plenty of resumes. Go to for more information
These are student renditions of some of the days from the traditional Christmas song - The Twelve Days of Christmas. We have submissions from elementary, middle, and high school students from across the systems of the Heart of Georgia RESA in south-central Georgia (US). The talent is amazing. Thanks to…
Do's and Don'ts concerning your body language and tone when dealing with an angry student or you are angry at a student. Body Language - Don't: 1. Put hands on hips 2. Cross your arms 3. Point your finger 4. Glare 5. Stand over the student Tone - Don't use…
Hi! I'm Steve Miletto and this is my place for providing support to classroom teachers and building administrators. It would be awesome if you subscribed and shared with your colleagues. Thanks for watching!
1. Reinforces the mindset that all can learn. 2. Provides wonderful tools for teachers to use to help kids learn and overcome stumbling blocks. 3. Easy to read, understand and put to us.
When you are angry at a student don't say: 1. Look at Me and 2. What Did You Say? These two demands will cause the situation to get worse not help it get better. Instead - 1. Remain calm 2. Talk in a soft voice 3. Possibly remove them from…
Sometimes we get caught up in trying to manage student behavior with the all-powerful shhhhh. Note to self - it doesn't work. Here are my three thoughts about what you need to do instead: 1. Be specific 2. Enforce your rules and apply your consequences 3. Don't ignore the real…
As an educator, we need to keep learning. There is not a pinnacle. We can never know enough so we need to keep learning. Here are 6 ways to keep learning: 1. Read 2. Listen to audio podcasts and watch YouTube channels 3. Attend Conferences 4. Attend professional development training…
Do you know that some of your teachers and administrators need help? Step forward and be a mentor. Here are my 3 Ideas for Being a Mentor 1. Connect 2. Share 3. Help/Assist We all need guidance, but the newer staff could use it now. What are you waiting for?…
Sometimes you need to embrace the re-do because the kids need you to: 1. The kids aren't getting it. 2. The class is having a bad day. 3. Individual kids are lost and need some personal attention.
Sometimes as a teacher we just need to know that we can re-do or try, again. Here are just three reasons why: 1. Sometimes it doesn't work. 2. Sometimes you have off days. 3. Sometimes you need to take a different approach depending upon the class, class size, students in…
1. John's easy to read and understand style. 2. He helps you understand what limits you. 3. He assists you in determining what you can do to increase your abilities 4. He drives you to the conclusion that you can do more. Awesome read!
1. Brings class to an official end 2. Review what you did and they learned today 3. Preview what will happen tomorrow 4. Cleanup/put away and account for all equipment
1. Creates a clear understanding of RTI and MTSS. 2. Provides help in understanding that kids of all levels can be taught rigorously. 3. Practical - Practical - Practical 4. Easy to read, understand, and implement.
Bell-Ringers, Warm-Ups, and Sponge Activities are helpful tools for classroom management but can be over used. The classroom teacher needs to worry about: 1. Class becomes predictable. 2. Zaps the energy level of the kids.
1. Officially Start Class. 2. Summarize what you did yesterday and how it fits with today. 3. Share what you are focused on for the day, what they will be learning, and what they will do.
Lodge McCammon is an amazing educator and now he is a published author - Schooled: The Story of an Education. Here are my 3 Reasons why you should read his book - 1. Makes you think about what you don't like about school as a student. 2. Pushes you to…
Sometimes we need a timeout. Everything is bothering you. You are getting angry at simple things. Time for a timeout. Three ideas for doing this in school. 1. Walk outside. 2. Find a quiet space and do nothing. 3. Participate in another class like band.
3 Ideas for dealing with students who always need a pencil. Have an endless supply - Pencils are cheap when bought in the 100 to 1000 -5000 range. So here are some ideas about getting a deep supply for your classroom. 1. Get principal or ptsa to buy pencils with…
The #1 rule when dealing with angry students is - Be the Adult. Too often the adult takes what is being said as personal or jumps to conclusions and takes a side from the immediate conversation or appearance. Be the adult.